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Law Enforcement Summary

The Law Enforcement Summary page calculates the total number of citations and arrests to be issued for the grant period based on the information (citations and arrests) that were entered under the individual Wave Period Law Enforcement Objective/Performance Measure pages

Note: Warnings, either verbal or written, are not considered citations and therefore cannot be applied toward any performance measures, target numbers or STEP Indicator identified in the proposal. However, once a grant has been executed, TxDOT will accept documented (written) warnings that are associated with the grant’s STEP elements in the agency’s Performance Reports. Although warnings cannot count towards establishing a grant’s performance measures and target numbers, they will receive one-half the point value as STEP element citations and can be counted towards the agency’s STEP Element Indicator in the Performance Reports. Only written warnings for STEP element violations are eligible for inclusion in the Performance Report.

Enter the total number of enforcement hours to be worked under this grant

Click on the Save button.

Note: Once saved, the system will calculate your proposed STEP indicator, based on the number of citations/arrests and the number of enforcement hours proposed.

Step Indicator
The scoring criteria will award a point range based on the data entered compared to the statewide performance average, or STEP indicator, for each enforcement element selected. The following is a breakdown of the statewide average, or STEP Indicator, for each enforcement element. The STEP indicator is a target or goal rather than a quota and has been found to be an average enforcement performance measure across the State. At no time does TxDOT require an individual officer to issue a specific number of citations during an enforcement period. Please use the following example as a guide when completing this page of the proposal:

Statewide Averages (STEP Indicators)

Occupant Protection – – Worth 1.5 points per citation
2.5 to 3.0 citations per enforcement hour worked.
Example: 100 hours X 2.5 citations per hour = 250 citations
Example: 250 citations divided by 2.5 citations per hour = 100 hours

Speeding – Worth one (1) point per citation
2.5 to 3.0 citations per enforcement hour worked.
Example: 100 hours X 2.5 citations per hour = 250 citations
Example: 250 citations divided by 2.5 citations per hour = 100 hours

Distracted Driving – Worth 2 points per citation.
1.25 – 1.5 citations per enforcement hour worked
Example: 100 hours x 1.5 citations per hour = 150 citations
Example: 150 citations divided by 1.5 citations per hour = 100 hours

DWI – Worth eighteen (18) points per arrest.
One (1) DWI arrest for each six (6) hour enforcement period worked.
Example: 100 hours divided by 6 hours = 16.67 DWI arrests
Example: 16 DWI arrests x 18 points = 288 points divided by 100 hours = 2.88 points per hour

Driving Under the Influence (DUI) of Alcohol by Minor – Worth six (6) points per arrest/citation.
1 DUI of Alcohol by Minor arrest/citation per each two (2) hour enforcement period worked.
Example: 100 hours divided by 2 hours = 50 DUI Alcohol by Minor arrest
Example: 50 DUI of Alcohol by Minor arrests X 6 points = 300 points divided by 100 hours = 3.0 points per hour

For assistance on calculating your proposed STEP Element Indicator view the STEP Element Indicator Calculator.

Once all information is entered on this page and the page is saved, the system will calculate the STEP Element Indicator based on the above formulas.

Note: The eGrants system will not accept a STEP Element Indicator less than a 2.50. If your proposed STEP Indicator is below 2.50 you will receive an error on this page. You must then either reduce the number of enforcement hours on this page, or add more arrests/citations on the Law Enforcement Objective/Performance Measures page(s). Do not forget to re-save the pages when completed. If changes are made to the Law Enforcement Objective/Performance Measures page(s), be sure to re-save the Law Enforcement Summary page as well to recalculate the page. Proposals that exceed the minimum 2.50 STEP Element Indicator will receive additional points during the proposal scoring process.

Note: The enforcement hours entered on this page will be reflected on the Salaries and Fringe Benefits budget page.